Sausage Bomber: The Recipe (ECGC 2017)

Here is the second session we gave at the East Coast Game Conference called "Sausage Bomber: The Recipe".

How we got Sausage Bomber done and launched while working full time jobs! Learn how we went about designing a simple game that would make us and players around the world laugh. From napkin sized design to the Android, iOS and Amazon app stores, lessons learned and concrete examples from a real life project on how to be a wiener… uh winner!

You can download the slides here.

If you enjoyed the presentation at the ECGC or the slides on this website, and feel like giving us a little love back, you can pick up Sausage Bomber in the iOS and Android app store. For a mere $1.99 you can get 128 levels of sausage bombing awesomeness that will make all your friends jealous. Plus, you'll be able to regale them with the tale of how the game was made now that you know :)